Submitted by peter pigeon on Sun, 18/08/2024 - 10:54
1) Vince,Steele & Meadows Chopwell 1592.7
2) Vince,Steele & Meadows 1592.5
3) R Blackburn Prudhoe 1592.3
4) Vince,Steele & Meadows 1590.9
5) D Baty Prudhoe 1581.5
6) Vince,Steele & Meadows 1578.5
7) Stobbs Bros & Mosey Chopwell 1573.9
8) Vince,Steele & Meadows 1573.4
9) Vince,Steele & Meadows 1573.2
10) R Blackburn 1561.6
298 birds
Submitted by Tommytodd on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 19:58
4 Members sent 128 Birds
1. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1535.41
2. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1462.66
3. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1458.03
4. Snowdon: Son & Spence 1446.63
5. Goodwin: Crawford & Son 1439.08
6. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1438.47
7. Goodwin: Crawford & Son 1429.96
8. Goodwin: Crawford & Son 1412.92
9. Goodwin: Crawford & Son 1397.42
10. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1392.55
Submitted by Tommytodd on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 19:53
1 Member sent 15 birds
1. D. Sanderson 1310.45
2. D. Sanderson 1310.05
3. D. Sanderson 1309.57
4. D. Sanderson 1309.33
Submitted by Tommytodd on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 19:50
3 Members sent 113 birds
1. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1535.41
2. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1462.66
3. Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Son 1458.03
4. Snowdon: Son & Spence 1446.63
Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 16:09
Not much info.
Some poor returns. Again. From lots of organisations ?
Having a good day. ?
1st. W Meller. Plus Fed topper. !
2nd. W Meller.
Great result Will. Well done. !!!
Roman rd. Retford 7 lofts. Sent. 169 birds.
Submitted by dennis on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 13:16
1. Morton son & Hodgson 1590.849
2. Hodgson son & Cowie 1588.416
3. Hodgson son & Cowie 1587.877
4. Clark brothers 1587.558
5. Hodgson son & Cowie 1565.413
6. J McKenna & sons 1565.308
Submitted by the wilk on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 12:16
Grantham 17/8/24
1st blacklock & son 1506.86
2nd ########### 1483.91
3rd ########### 1458.08
4th ########### 1449.56
5th r. mortimer 1435.37
6th archbold & bell 1433.26
Submitted by sammy on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 08:06
WDA Grantham YB birds liberated 8 o'clock in a Light West South west wind good luck
Submitted by sammy on Sat, 17/08/2024 - 07:06
No word till 8, UNC LIBBING 6 TILL 8, Liberations all over the place, its like looking at the flight plan for Heathrow airport. perfect weather on site