Brian Ford --could you post email address where members can send their views as to why due process was in their opinion not carried out.
Brian i agree with your suppersition that the majority of the membership dont want a single lib for the first four young bird race and therefore expect it to go back to members---can i suggest that it is kept simple ,
Choose one of the following.
DO YOU WANT SOMETHING ELSE (to be discussed and agreed upon)
I am sure that sense will prevail
Now what could happen if sense goes out the window !
Well lets see , consett fed decide to explore their options to be transported by Durham Combine for the entire youngbird season and crook and cockfield hold a meeting and decide to join them ,making a three C,s Amal for 2017 season.
Now the bottom end men take notice and start to check out their options,thats what happens when the ship starts to sink.
Back men might even considering UNC.
All our members are precious and we need them ALL.
At this time of year we all can appreciate how much work goes into rearing our young birds so lets try and understand how difficult it can be to get birds home from their first races when your loft position isnt favorable.
I can only reiterate what Tom Riddle said which was the annfield plain and tyne and derwent proposal was not voted on because.
A bomb went off ---NO
Someone had a heart attack--NO
Maybe they all thought ooooo s h i t --let you presume any other thoughts
But as a man with more experience with pros said in another post on this site " its an abomination" but at least the amal held together.
If it had been as it should have these officials would be taking a stalemate back to their club members