WDA Thoresby Hall Convoyers Report

Tuesday had a text from Alan asking me to look at weekend weather ,agreed to talk on Wednesday

Wednesday ,spoke to Alan weather forecast for weekend was changing showing signs of being able to race

Fri spoke to Martin and Stephen vote was 3 to 0 to go

Fri 5.00 arrived at yard picked up Crook,West Durham,Cockfield Darlington arrived at Leeming for 9.30 ,set off with 2 wagons and trailer for Thoresby Hall and 1 wagon and trailer to Wakefield arrived on site at 12,30 birds watered and opened up by 1.00

Sat ,up at 6.10 full blue skies ,rand Dan and Up north Combine agreed Dan would liberate at 7.00 me at 8.30 and 8.45 ,,
Dan liberated at Wakefield at 7.00 in a west south west wind ,delayed Thoresbay Hall libs by 5 minutes to make sure Peterborough birds had gone through

Liberated group 1 at 8,35 group 2 at 8,50 both in a west south west wind
Basket numbers Crook 14,Cockfield 34 Deerness Valley 27
Darlington 22, West Durham 56 , Consett 39 Newcastle 42
Annfield Plain 45 Tyne Derwent 39
Total 316

Peter Mathews and Dan Jenkins ,posted by Alan Brown