Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 19/09/2020 - 21:18
two lofts / sent 36 .. shows how tough yb season has been ??
maybe bring nat forward give natural flyers a crack / push birdage up ?
result /sorry i was missing today had a queer turn ??/ thanks ray !!
1ST......W MELLOR...................11O8.O
2ND.....W MELLOR...................1066.7
3RD.....J NELSON.....................1065.6
4TH.....J NELSON.....................1011.2
5TH....W MELLOR....................1008.0
Submitted by bella4. on Sun, 13/09/2020 - 20:39
1st...........J Nelson.............1378
2nd.........J Nelson.............1365
3rd.........R Dixon dtr.........1336
4th.........W Mellor.............1320
5th.........J Nelson..............1280
6th........W Mellor..............1263
well done to all 41 birds away 3 lofts ...
just Nat race to go ...
please begin to return cups / trophies no rush but best get em in
r dixon pools 25p c/c
Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 05/09/2020 - 19:41
1st....J nelson........1274.6
2nd...J Nelson.......1267.9
3rd....J Nelson.......1256.2
4th....J Nelson.......1190.8
5th....W Mellor.......1185
6th....J Nelson........1174
5 lofts sent 72 birds ....
with some losses / & the moult some lofts now closing up for the season..
well done all nellie winding up for Nat ??
Submitted by bella4. on Mon, 31/08/2020 - 20:38
4 members sent 69 birds
1st R Dixon dtr......1078.1
2nd j nelson...........1075
3rd j nelson 1071
4th j nelson 1059
5th r dixon dtr 1039.7
6th j nelson 1039.0
well done tough day for yb s
champ club r dixon dtr
j nelson
pools r dixon dtr £
Submitted by bella4. on Sun, 23/08/2020 - 20:30
1st W Mellor................1332.8
2nd W Mellor................1278.4
3rd J Nelson................1244
4th J Nelson................1237
5th J Nelson................1235
6th R Dixon dtr............1198
returns slow at lock check / but again most appear to be working in
pools 25p J Nelson
champ club
1st j nelson
2nd not off
WELL DONE to Will ..
Submitted by bella4. on Thu, 20/08/2020 - 20:12
a long wait for a race but thanks to , officials, managed to get us one !! well done !!! first time in my 50 years of racing have we been libbed there !
just a tad short ?? 28 mile to front loft..... 38 to back loft in club ..
will have to put in objection ???
clubs in fed 230 yrds min faster than ours ... from 40 mile ... impossible ???????????
Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 08/08/2020 - 21:11
1st M Johnson 1164 25p pools
2nd M Johnson 1156
3rd M Johnson 1155
4th M Johnson 1125
5th G Barker son 1112
6th M Johnson 1089
lovely day for the race . returns again poor at clock check , but seem to be working in
Luggie on fire at moment . keep em going ,,
four lofts sent 73 birds ,, exeptionally poor for second YB race ?
lets hope lads get em going next week
Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 01/08/2020 - 21:06
super morning for a race
1st R Dixon dtr ...............1239
2nd m m bell....................1211
3rd j nelson......................1190
4th m johnson..................1185
5th j nelson .....................1183
6th m johnson..................1145
5 lofts sent 132 birds / returns about 40/ 50 %
R Dixon dtr 5p j nelson 10p,15p,20,25p
champ club 1st j nelson ....
well done Ray
Submitted by bella4. on Sun, 26/07/2020 - 20:33
1st R Dixon dtr 1424.8........5p pools
2nd M Johnson 1411.7........10p15p20p25p pools
3rd G Barker son 1409.6.......
4th G Barker.son 1404.9
5th R Dixon dtr 1402.5
6th W Mellor 1400.4
champ club 1st M Jonhson
2nd G Barker son
tough day for some lofts returns a bit iffy ?
Well Done all ....
Submitted by bella4. on Sat, 18/07/2020 - 20:43
6 members sent 125 ..
1st ................W Melor..............1491.9
2nd................R Dixon dtr.........1478.5
3rd................R Dixon dtr..........1463.5
4th................M M Bell...............1460.1
5th................R Dixon dtr..........1456.2
6th................M Johnson...........1450.7
champ club ...1st..r dixon dtr ..2nd..g barker son
pools 5/10/15/20/25/ r dixon dtr