Channel racing entries for ARRAS Scheduled for 27th May
With all the hard work and effort done by the NEHU management team the entries for ARRAS are way below what was expected with only 1,200 birds.
It was stated in the information sent out that birdage would be £3 per bird providing there was 2,250 birds to cover all costs.
Therefore this would mean an increase to £5 per bird.
We fully understand this is quite a large increase so we are trying to see if any cost cutting can be made to reduce birdage costs.
Discussions will take place in the morning between the management team.
If we had known birdage was going to be as low (maybe due to a couple of difficult races over the past couple weeks) then a smaller transporter could have been organised, something we can look at for the next race.
A decision will be made at 11am in the morning with further information.
Vice President Richard Wade.