GREENSIDE HS Queen's cup show race nominations.

Greenside DHS queen's cup sub Maidstone best claims in so far:
Alan slee and granddaughter CWC 18CON 1157 vel 1373.05
Lyndas Bros and Genner BH 19x 2038 vel 1348.44 and CHH 17WD 1489 vel 1347.9
Jamie Brown BWH 18x 310 vel 1333.84. all birds pooled to £2
Anymore claims get them in by sat 31/7/21 (7 days)
Pay out 7 days later. Well done. Brian Hopper Tel: 07907867377
Lynas Bros and Genner vel 1348.44 NOT 1384.4 as stated in an earlier post on here thanks Brian Hopper.