YB Transporter training

Following on to some Feds saying the birds are not ready for training this weekend the planned training for Sunday is cancelled

Training is now proposed as follows. Sundays 16th and 23rd July
And Tuesday or Wednesday 18/19th and Tuesday or Wednesday 25th and 26th depending on weather forecast
Sundays will depend upon weather and birds racing on Saturday

Price is £10 for 2 Sundays and £10 for 2 midweek , if wagons do not go there is a reduction of £5 if wagons go payment must be made

Places must be pre booked before Wednesday 12th July no late bookings accepted .

Bookings through Federation secretary, NAMES to be sent to WDA ,and pick up details will be sent out

If members want midweek trading once racing starts please let Federation sectaries know to see if there is enough support

Hope this is understandable

Alan Brown