Old shildon h.s

Huntingdon 2/9/23
1st young smith jordan 1461.9
2nd archbold bell 1442.51
3rd young smith jordan 1437.74
4th archbold bell 1413.64
5th j.m bell 1401.86
6th smith alderson 1397.6

Hamilton & District Huntingdon 2/9/23

1. Hodgson son & Cowie 1506.695
2. S Wilkie 1504.163
3. Clark brothers 1503.439
4. Clark brothers 1502.842
5. Hodgson son & Cowie 1501.910
6. Hodgson son & Cowie 1501.671

Huntingdon Jubilee Park

Liberated 09:35 in a light North East wind.

Good luck

Huntingdon Jubilee Park

Liberated 09:35 in a light North East wind.

Good luck

Richard Wade

Further to the comments by Gary Wallace. I was ashamed to say that I attended the special meeting held on 31st August at the Dreadnaught club.

Never before have I attended a meeting where such open hostility and total lack of respect was shown to a fellow member without whom the WDA would have had no racing whatsoever this year.

The work he has done together with his brothers Martin and Russell this year on the wagons has been phenomenal and saved the WDA tens of thousands of pounds.

Richard wade

Just like to put it to the members that don't know that dicky has helped by doing the transport managers job and saved us 75 quid a week also done many jobs up the yard and on the wagons the lad doesn't get enough credit I've had to come on here and do this because most of the members don't know half of it .I've had my arguments with dicky over the years but the lads doing his best and credit where credits due hes done these jobs to keep us all racing and trying to make it cheaper for us .

WDA Grantham YB 2 Top 20


Huntingdon Jubilee Park

Weather committee have voted 3 - 0 to basket Friday for Saturday

HUNTINGTON. (Jubilee Park)

Pick ups
Hexham (Riding mill) 6.00 pm
Prudhoe. 6.15 pm
Chopwell 6.35 pm
Leadgate 6.55 pm
Back to crook

Dave & Joe
Leamington 6.00 pm
Benwell 6.15 pm
Scotswood 6.30 pm
Winlaton 6.45 pm
Greenside 7.05 pm
Highfield 7.20 pm
Annfeild plain 7.45 pm
Southmoor 8.00 pm
Burnhope 8.15 pm
Richmond 9.15 pm

West Durham Federation Grantham 2 YD Sat 26th August 2023

1st Mr & Mrs Hopton Vel 1578.47
2nd B Cheetham Vel 1574.37
3rd P Taylor & Sons 1574.02
4th Wallace Bros 1570.69
5th D Stuart Vel 1570.23
6th JD Wilson 1569.32
7th B Cheetham Vel 1568.33
8th Mr & Mrs Hopton Vel 1567.80
9th NKR Mckimm Vel 1566.78
10th B Cheetham Vel 1565.89
11th JD Wilson Vel 1565.76
12th P Taylor & Sons Vel 1565.20
13th JD Wilson Vel 1564.27
14th Wallace Bros Vel 1563.77
15th Lynas Bros & Genner Vel 1562.94


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