Richmond hs / Huntingdon 25.5.2024

lovely day to sit and wait for birds . got up this morning to find birds already on way home !
time though for cuppa / or two / Maidstone birds with DC already uo as well ,
Returns very good . gaps between the birds , but all home at Scooby Lofts / with a missing bird from last Huntingdon found in loft at lock up , must have come up with racers .
having a cracking race, club chairman / basket man / clock setter
4 lofts managed 72 birds / light south east ?
1st G Barker son 1576.6
2nd G Barker son 1576.0 G Barker pooled up !!
3rd R Dixon dtr 1569.4
4th G Barker son 1551.6
5th G Barker son 1543.9
6th G Barker son 1532.1
7th G Barker son 1531.7
8th R Dixon dtr 1531.4
9th W Mellor 1493.4
Scooby lofts no clock off !!! dropped of sheet all together

Over at Roman rd official result yet..68 birds / 5 lofts
1st D Fletcher ....
no other details as yet .
well done Ged . hope your footie team comes good on Sunday !!!
top off a cracking two days
hope DC birds at Maidstone rolled ..