Richmond hs / Maidstone NAT

with Ray on board we had eventless ride over to Cockfield for centre set /sunny skies / clear visibility for miles / returning home clouds had filled in ,rain some of way home , birds marked , lads loading wagon as we left .
55 birds , 5 lofts ....... 6 lofts not sending ??? all will have there own reason s. Frustratingly all 6 voted to stop new members joining ,?? with novice James been accepted at reconvened AGM , but still not sent with us .
Anyhow cracking race was anticipated , & to be honest returns were great , little of the pace of the top end .
Birds in fine fettle on return . last at Scooby lofts ,smashed up with secondaries missing , he,ll miss last two races .
transport lads had em away later than we expected at 08.00am
no wind on site / SW on route , picking up more west than owt,
back to top of sheet !!
1st R Dixon dtr 1515.9
2nd G Barker son 1490.4
3rd G Barker son 1490.2
4th M M Bell 1488.2
5th M M Bell 1448.1
6th R Dixon dtr 1441.4
7th G Barker son 1438
8th D D Bell 1423
9th W Meller 1405
10th W Meller 1401
Well done Ray .. not sure who was pooled up ??
unofficial Roman rd result ?
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\vince had DC birds away 6.00am with some showers about a tricky day from Huntingdon
1st D Murphy
2nd D Murphy
3rd W Meller
4th W Meller
5th D Fletcher
6th D Fletcher
7th J Skelton
8th J Skelton
hope they all worked in ok / No info on birdage ect as Scooby lofts ,not sent
Two races for OB ,s keep em going ....... pushing hard now to get a RED card
Keep an eye out for fund raiser for WDA transport ,, some cracking birds being rounded up .. I Hear ??